WATTrouter M - user manual
How to fit and setup the device
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Measured values:
Power on ph. Lx - the actual value of the active power measured on the relevant phase wire. Positive
value means production (PV-plant supplies power to the grid); negative value means that power is
being drawn from the grid.
Power sum L1+L2+L3 – sum of active power outputs in all three phases.
Controller temperature - temperature inside of the regulator. It is used for thermal protection of the
Error and info status (gray in inactive status, red in active status):
Missing voltage L1 – failure of the synchronization circuit that detects the voltage at L1 terminal. This
is a hardware failure of the regulator and it must be replaced or repaired. This fault blocks the power
measurement and the active functions of the controller (output switching).
Temperature sensor(s) – this is a hardware error of the regulator and the regulator must be repaired
or replaced. This fault blocks the active functions of the controller (output switching).
Max. temperature exceeded – the maximum allowed regulator temperature was exceeded. Improve
cooling conditions, decrease the Maximum power for active triac outputs, or increase the value in the
field "Max. controller temperature" on the "Other settings" tab. This fault blocks the active functions
of the controller (output switching).
DC source overload - Voltage level of the internal DC source drops below +6,5V relative to GND. This
malfunction can occur when the internal DC voltage source is heavily loaded. The firmware since
version 3.0 checks this and eventually signals this failure. This malfunction lasts for the duration of the
cause and for a further 60s afterwards. Typically, this failure occurs when all 6 internal outputs are
used or there is overload on the S+ terminal (there can be for example a malfunction of SSR control
circuit). Please check that the S+ terminal is not overloaded. This fault blocks the active functions of
the controller (output switching).
Low tariff – if the low tariff signal is detected the red light comes on, otherwise it is grayed.
Summer time - informs the user that the summer time mode is active. Summer time starts at 2:00 CET,
on the last Sunday in March and ends at 3:00 CEST, on the last Sunday in October. If the option "Use
summer time" is not marked on the "Other settings" tab, the indicator remains inactive.
CombiWATT is active – informs the user that CombiWATT mode is active. This indicator is active if the
condition necessary to run CombiWATT is valid, if the low tariff is active and if the CombiWATT
function has been configured for some output.
Output test is active – informs the user about a status when some of the outputs have been activated
by the TEST button. Output tests done via LAN interface are protected from unauthorized access or
In case of an error that blocks active functions of the controller, all outputs turn off and any control functions
are stalled.
Output statuses:
Load power - the power drawn by the load connected to the relevant output. It is either:
Estimated power based on the output settings and may not correspond with the actual
power output of the load, or: