WATTrouter M - user manual
How to fit and setup the device
Page 68 from 79
<accept>0</accept><!-- error code: 0-ok, 2-incorrect login (access) data,
4-wrong XML file format-->
GET /stat_chart.xml
By sending this HTTP request you will obtain the real time chart data from the controller. Structure of
returned data:
<!--Response headers-->
<!--one empty line-->
<DaR>2020-01-01</DaR><!-- date when last acquired-->
<TiR>08:00:00</TiR><!-- time when last acquired-->
<P1>0.50,0.40,...</P1><!-- sequence of values for series 1 – power-->
<!-- similarly for remaining series-->
GET /stat_day.xml?day={index}
By sending this HTTP request you will obtain the daily statistics from the controller. The "index" parameter
specifies the selected day (0=today, 1=yesterday to 7=last saved day). Structure of returned data:
<!--Response headers-->
<!--one empty line-->
<SDD0>2017-07-20</SDD0><!-- date today-->
<SDD{index}>2017-07-17</SDD{index}><!-- date selected day-->
<SDS1>0.00</SDS1><!-- surplus energy phase L1 in kWh-->
<SDH1>0.00</SDH1><!-- consumption normal tariff phase L1 in kWh-->
<SDL1>0.00</SDL1><!-- consumption low tariff phase L1 in kWh-->
<SDP1>0.00</SDP1><!-- production phase L1 in kWh-->
<!-- similarly for remaining phases L2 and L3-->
<SDS4>0.00</SDS4><!-- surplus energy all phases in kWh-->
<SDH4>0.00</SDH4><!-- consumption normal tariff all phases in kWh-->
<SDL4>0.00</SDL4><!-- consumption low tariff all phases in kWh-->
<SDP4>0.00</SDP4><!-- production all phases in kWh-->
<SDO1>0.00</SDO1><!-- daily energy for output 1 in kWh-->
<!-- similarly for remaining outputs triac 2(SDO2) to SSR 2(SDO6)-->
<SDI1>0.00</SDI1><!-- daily energy for FB1 input in kWh-->
<!-- similarly for remaining inputs FB2(SDI2) to FB3(SDI3)-->
GET /stat_week.xml
By sending this HTTP request you will obtain the weekly statistics from the controller. Structure of
returned data:
<!--Response headers-->
<!--one empty line-->
<SWD>2017-07-20</SWD><!-- date today-->
<SWS1>0.00</SWS1><!-- surplus energy all phases in kWh, yesterday-->
<SWH1>0.00</SWH1><!-- consumption normal tariff all phases v kWh,
<SWL1>0.00</SWL1><!-- consumption low tariff all phases in kWh, yesterday--
<SWP1>0.00</SWP1><!-- production all phases in kWh, yesterday-->
<!-- similarly for the 2th to 7th last day-->