WATTrouter M - user manual
How to fit and setup the device
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Production chart - displays summary data on production (prodsurplus energy) in the last 31
days. Double click on the bar to view the day in the daily statistics.
Consumption Chart - displays summary data on consumption (self-consumption, consumption in
normal and low tariff) in the last 31 days. Double click on the bar to view the day in the daily statistics.
Export- exports monthly statistics to a *.csv file that can be opened e.g. in MS-Excel.
Import - imports monthly statistics from the *.csv file. The file must contain monthly statistics stored
in WATTconfig Mx, M, or ECO. This feature can transfer statistics from another device. The daily input
and output states are not imported.
Annual (yearly) statistics:
Production chart – displays summary data on production (prodsurplus energy) in the last 12
Consumption Chart – displays summary data on consumption (self-consumption, consumption in
normal and low tariff) in the last 12 months.
Export- exports annual statistics to a *.csv file that can be opened e.g. in MS-Excel. Exports data for
last 24 months.
Import - imports annual statistics from the *.csv file. The file must contain annual statistics stored in
WATTconfig Mx, M, or ECO. This feature can transfer statistics from another device. The daily input
and output states are not imported.
Actual day will take effect in the annual history (current month) after moving into history (after
This tab displays error and warning log.
For example, the system displays detected communication errors.
Since firmware version 3.0, there is also a listing of up to 20 error messages stored in the controller from the
latest to the oldest. This error list is not stored in the nonvolatile memory (EEPROM) so in case of a power
failure it will be deleted.
Clear error list - press this button to clear the error list in the controller.
Save error list - press this button to save the error list to a CSV file on your PC hard drive.
Clear log – use this button to clear log contents.
Save log – use this button to save the log as text file on your PC hard drive.
Write detailed communication info - check this option to see more detailed information about
communicating with the controller, for example for diagnostics. Additional information may help the
technical support to detect possible problems in connection configuration etc.
Main window buttons:
Connect through – this option allows you to connect via USB or LAN.
Connect – connects your computer to the controller and loads configuration from the controller just
after successful connection has been established.
Disconnect - disconnects your computer from the controller.
Configure connection - the software displays a window where you may configure active connection.
Read – reads configuration from the controller.
Write – writes (downloads) configuration to the controller and optionally resets the controller.
Configuration download via LAN interface is protected from unauthorized access or intervention.
Open - loads configuration from PC hard drive.