IQH1S 1U Enclosure
Version 1 Issue 4
RollCall Network System Details
The IQ Modular system has a flexible and yet powerful remote control system. The units in the system are
joined via a high-speed network and each box enclosure (including active front panels) is a node on the
network. A single network can have a maximum of 240 nodes with any combination of control panels and
modular rack boxes. With the 3U box holding up to 16 cards, the system can accommodate 3840 (240 x 16)
cards. Each box is physically addressed via switches on the Remote Control Interface.
Network bridges can be used to connect any network to up to 15 others nested up to 4 levels. A single
controller can access up to 54241 (1 + 15 + 152 + 153 + 154) networks containing up to a total of 208 million
(3840-16) x 54241 IQ modules.
The RollCall network has three interface connections on each IQ enclosure:
1. 75 Ohm coaxial BNC for box-to-box connections running at 2.5 Mb/s.
2. RS485 9 way `D' connector for internal bus connections such as to front panels running at 2.5 Mb/s.
3. 38.4 Kb/s asynchronous RS422 port for binary and ASCII terminal access for third party equipment.
The RS422 and RS485 interfaces share the same D connector. Selection of the interface format is by a switch
on the Remote Control Interface.
The primary connection interface will be the coaxial network. Each section can support up to 64 unit loads at
lengths of up to 400 metres. The following is a table of unit loads for each type of equipment.
Unit loads
1U S front panel
1U box (up to 6 single width modules)
3U box (up to 16 modules with removable Gateway card.)
Stand alone unit (Supervisor, MDD, Golden Gate)
PC Remote module