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5. Operation
5.1 Operation instructions outline
This controller can be operated by specifying the step data registered beforehand by parallel I/O signal.
For operating procedure other than those unique to the absolute controller, refer to the LECP6* series
operation manual “10.1 Operation instruction method”.
5.2 Operation procedure for the absolute controller
1. When power is upplied for the first time (Refer to “5.3.1”)
It is necessary to perform the return to origin position after resetting the two alarms.
After purchase, power is supplied for the first time with the electric actuator connected.
When the battery built in to the controller is replaced.
When the backup period has been exceeded (When battery is completely discharged)
2. Turn the power off and on again.
(1) Power supply again (Normal condition) (
Refer to “5.3.2 (1)”)
No alarm.
SetON turns ON.
(2) With alarm (group C) when the power is supplied again (
Refer to “5.3.2 (2)”)
Alarm (group C) is generated.
SetON turns ON.
(3) With alarm (group D) when the power is supplied again (
Refer to “5.3.2 (3)”)
Alarm (group D) is generated.
SetON turns OFF.
3. Alarm (group E) is cleared by power supply cut. (
Refer to “5.3.3”)
No alarm.
SetON turns OFF.