Supports and side supports
Glazing: plastic sheets
Push support seal C5 into the hinge profile recess between
the supports. Position the glazing between the sheet sup-
ports with the end profile against the stops on the gutter
side. Ensure that you leave 5 mm clearance at each side.
Apply a silicone sealant that does not affect plastic material
at the top edge of the end profile. Ensure that the multiple
layer plastic sheets have a slope of at least 10° or 18 cm per
metre because, if not, the guarantee will be void.
On using plastic sheets, we recommend a roof inclination of 10°. The maximum slope is 20°.
Only the left and right sheets are cut to size.
Provide the open ends with suitable plastic tape (closed tape BT on the top side = wall side and perforated tape BB on the bottom side
= gutter side). Ensure each sheet has a end profile on the gutter side. Check whether the end profile is perforated at the bottom.
This is required for proper water drainage. Ensure that the UV-protected side of the sheet is always upwards. See pages 16 & 17 for
more information on the processing, installation and maintenance of plastic sheets.