Take the necessary and required safety precautions, such as safety nets and lifelines when installing from the
outside, safety goggles, gloves, hard hat, etc.
Do not step on the glass.
Falling from height
• When using ladders to go on the roof:
Ladder in good condition?
Set up correctly at an angle of 75°?
Secured below and on top against moving?
Don’t take heavy material with you on the ladder (3-point contact rule)! If possible,
use a crane to lift the material.
• If you are going on the roof, make sure there is a walking surface that is wide enough and that
supports on the beams of the lower structure.
• When using an aerial work platform: always wear and secure your harness (mandatory)! Leaving
the cage is forbidden.
• Never walk backwards on a roof, always walk forwards.
• Make sure there’s enough light in the working zone.
Low-hanging obstacles and falling loads
• Forbidden to walk under or within a radius of 1 m of a hanging or lifted load.
• Demarcate the danger zone below the zone where there is a risk of material falling down
during the installation of the veranda.
• It’s prohibited to enter these danger zones during construction.
Crushing hazard
• All working tools are in good condition, provided with a valid CE label and all necessary safety
regulations. These cannot be removed.
• People who use these working tools are educated for this purpose. Protections are always
present on all working tools. They are in good condition and need to be set correctly.
• Safety is key and it begins with order and tidiness. Clean everything immediately, leave nothing
lying around.
• Trash needs to be sorted.
• Be cautious with electric cables (danger of tripping/falling). Never walk backwards!
• Make sure there’s enough light in the working zone.