59 62 134 D 3407
D 3407
02 07.2009
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operator’s Manual SIDEXIS XG
It is called “
” and can be opened, saved and managed in SIDEXIS XG.
Area for management toolbars
The area on the left margin of the program window shows various sorted
toolbars with management tools
Area for image processing toolbars
The area on the right margin of the program window shows various sorted
toolbars with image processing tools
The toolbars consist of buttons which contain graphical symbols (icons).
These icons are comparable to the keys on themultitimer control of the X-ray
system. A system function can be launched by clicking one of these buttons.
Logically related functions are always grouped in one toolbar.
Status bar
The status bar displays information about the currently active function.
For example, the angle during an angle measurement.
Functional description and workflows
The functions and workflows of “SIDEXIS XG” are described in several
chapters of the manual.
The functional description is divided into the following sections:
● Patient management
● Image management
● Measurement tools
- Measurement tools
- Display tools
- Image filters
● Special functions
- System setup
The following workflows are briefly explained here:
● Taking a new exposure
● Opening a saved exposure
● Opening a saved exam
Taking a new exposure
1. Register the desired patient.
2. Select the desired type of exposure.
3. Release an exposure.
4. Interpret the exposure.
Opening a saved exposure
1. Register the desired patient.
2. In the “
” window, select the option “
There are two ways to open exposures.
● New
All images assigned to the patient can be opened via the image selection
dialog box.
Opening a saved exam
1. Register the desired patient.
2. In the “
” window, select the option “