Operating manual - English
Copyright Silca 2017
From the initial screen, press MENU then F3 to enable the function.
There are 4 machine option windows that are selected by pressing F4.
ATTENTION: Hold down F4 to take the machine back to its initial state (with the original parameters set by Silca).
Machine Parameters/Options that can be forced from the original factory setting:
Rapid speed:
4000 (UC Pro) - 5000 (UC Pro Flat Steel)
Cutting speed:
500 (UC Pro) - 850 (UC Pro Flat Steel)
Reading speed:
Minimum distance from stop:
Stop adjustment enabling:
0 --> Disabled
Parameter X stop adjustment: 0
Parameter Y stop adjustment: 300
Parameter H stop adjustment: 370
Parameter L stop adjustment: 0
Measuring unit:
Electric contact enabling:
1 --> Enabled
Date format:
0 --> GG/MM/AA
Time format:
0 --> 0-24
Keyboard Inversion:
0 --> Disabled
Cutting check:
1 --> Enabled
Rapid menu for PC queue:
0 --> Disabled
The display shows:
Current language:
use the arrow keys (rh/lh) to select the measuring unit required (mm =
millimetres, inches) then press ENTER to confirm.
Measuring unit:
use the arrow keys (rh/lh) to select the measuring unit required (mm =
millimetres, inches) then press ENTER to confirm.
Keypad inversion:
this function is normally disabled. Use the arrow keys (rh/lh) to select
enabled or disabled then press ENTER to confirm.
The operation is used to invert the function of the alphanumerical
With “Key pad inversion” disabled:
• To digit number 3 press 3/K
• To digit the letter K: press SHIFT + 3/K
With “Key pad inversion” enabled:
• To digit number 3: press SHIFT + 3/K
• To digit the letter K: press 3/K
Cutting check:
This option is used to enable and disable control of the combinations entered on the cutting card, by pressing SHIFT + [up
Default is enabled, i.e. there is constant control that the combination entered is compatible with the cutting path.
Such control has certain rules that prevent the operator from creating keys which are not guaranteed to work.
Electrical contact:
This function is normally enabled. Use the arrow keys (rh/lh) to select enabled or disabled then press ENTER to confirm
(Ch.4.2, page 14)