Building Technologies
Boiler sequence controller RMK770
HVAC Products
9 Precontrol
Operating line
[System pump B] overload
0 / 1 (1 = overload)
Flow signal pump
0 / 1 (0 = no flow)
Optg hours pump
0…99999 h
Optg hours pump B
0…99999 h
When making diagnostics or the wiring test, logic states are displayed. The input is
active when 1 appears on the display. If “Normal position open“ is selected, this is the
case when the contact is closed; if “Normal position closed“ is selected, this is the case
when the contact is open.
Main menu > Primary controller > Outputs
Operating line
Mixing valve position
System pump
Off / On
System pump B
Off / On
Main menu > Primary controller > Limitations
Operating line
Flow temperature max
Inactive / Active
Flow temperature min
Inactive / Active
Flow temperature rise
Inactive / Active
Return temperature max
Inactive / Active
Pulse limitation
Inactive / Active