7SJ63 Manual
After the final circuit breaker trip, the automatic reclosing system is dynamically
blocked (see below).
Blocking Time
The blocking time (reset time) is started each time a reclosing attempt is initiated. If
the reclosing attempt is successful, then the automatic reclosing system will reset
once the blocking time has elapsed. Occurrence of a fault after the blocking time is
considered a new fault, and the initiation of trip signals by protective elements for this
fault will initiate a new automatic reclosing sequence (and possibly execute a different
reclosing program, depending on the type of fault). When no additional reclosing at-
tempts are permitted, the last reclosing attempt will be considered unsuccessful, and
upon final tripping of the circuit breaker by the protective element(s), the automatic re-
closing system will be dynamically blocked (see below).
Static Blocking
The automatic reclosing system is statically blocked for one or more of the following:
A blocking signal (FNo.
”) is present at a binary input, if the au-
tomatic reclosing system is not initiated.
A signal (FNo.
”) indicating the circuit breaker is ready disap-
pears from a binary input, if the automatic reclosing system is not initiated.
The number of allowable reclosing attempts set for both reclosing programs is zero.
No protective functions or binary inputs are set to initiate the automatic reclosing
Static blocking means that the automatic reclosing system is not ready to initiate re-
closing, and cannot initiate reclosing as long as the blocking signal is present. When
static blocking takes place, a corresponding message is generated. The static block-
ing signal is also used internally to block the protection elements that are only sup-
posed to work when reclosing is enabled.
Dynamic Blocking
Dynamic blocking defeats the possibility of a reclosing attempt when certain events
occur. Dynamic blocking is initiated if:
The final reclosing attempt was unsuccessful.
The protection function has detected a three-phase fault and the device is pro-
grammed not to reclose into three-phase faults.
The circuit breaker is tripped without initiation of the automatic reclosing system.
A reclosing signal fails to close a circuit breaker.
A protective element picks up that is set to block automatic reclosing (regardless of
whether one or more other protective functions set to initiate automatic reclosing
also pickup).
The circuit breaker failure function is initiated.
The reclosing program executed is programmed to initiate zero reclosing attempts.
A static block occurs after initiation of the automatic reclosing function.
Not applicable for version 7SJ61**–**C**– and 7SJ61**–**P**–: The circuit
breaker is not ready for operation after the circuit breaker monitoring time (set at
) has elapsed, provided that the circuit breaker monitor
function is set to be in effect.
Not applicable for version 7SJ61**–**A**– and 7SJ61**–**M**–: If the circuit
breaker is not ready for operation after the reclosing delay time (triggered by binary
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