Installation and Commissioning
7SJ63 Manual
The maximum continuous voltage rating of a 7SJ63 is 170 V. For the first case above
(phase-ground voltage connections), phase-phase voltages of up to [
3 · 170V] =
294 V can be continuously applied. For the second case, the steady state phase-
phase voltages connected to the device must be 170 V or less.
Binary Inputs and
Figures A-1 to A-17 (for version 4.1) and Figures A-18 to A-34 (for version 4.0) in the
Appendix show the default masking (programming) of the binary inputs and outputs of
the different versions of the device. The programming (masking) options of the inputs
and outputs are described in Section 5.2.
Changing Setting
Groups with Binary
If binary inputs are used to switch setting groups:
Two binary inputs must be dedicated for the purpose of changing setting groups
when four groups are to be switched. One binary input must be set for “
”. The other input must be set for “
”. If either
or Event
is not assigned to an input, then that event is considered not to
be controlled.
To control two setting groups, one binary input set for “
” is
sufficient. Since the binary input “
” is not masked and not con-
The status of the signals controlling the binary inputs to activate a particular setting
group must remain constant as long as that particular group is to remain active.
Table 8-1 shows the relationship between “
”, “
”, and the setting groups A to D. Simplified connection diagrams for the two binary
inputs are configured in Figure 8-5. The figure illustrates an example in which both Set
Group Bits 0 and 1 are configured to be controlled (actuated) when the associated bi-
nary input is energized (high). If desired, either one Set Group Bit, or both Set Group
Bits, can be triggered when the associated binary input is de-energized (low, Normally
Closed Contact Logic).
= not energized
= energized
Table 8-1
Setting Group Selection with Binary Inputs
Binary Input Events
Active Group
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
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