Alarm, fault and system messages
12.4 Fault correction
SIPART PS2 with PROFIBUS communication
Operating Instructions, 09/2007, A5E00127926-07
Remedial measures table 3
Fault profile (symptoms)
Possible cause
Remedial measures
Actuator does not move.
Compressed air < 1.4 bar
Set the supply air pressure to
> 1.4 bar.
Restrictor valve turned off (screw at
the right end stop)
Open the restrictor screw by turning
it anticlockwise, see leaflet, "Device
view (6)".
Piezo valve does not activate (a
gentle click sound is however
audible when the "+" or "-" buttons
are pressed in the manual mode.)
Dirt in the pneumatic block
or a new device; clean
and/or replace the built-in fine
Pneumatic leakage in the positioner
- actuator system; start the leakage
test in "RUN 3" (initialization).
Rectify leakage in the actuator
and/or feed line.
In case of an intact actuator and
tight feed line: repair
or a new
A piezo valve activates constantly in
the stationary automatic mode
(constant setpoint) and the manual
Dirt in the pneumatic block, see
See above
Fault table 3
More information is given under the also-see link.
Remedial measures table 4
Fault profile (symptoms)
Possible cause(s)
Remedial measures
Static friction of the packing gland
of the control valve and the actuator
is too high
Reduce the static friction or
increase the dead zone of SIPART
PS2 ("dEbA" parameter) until the
oscillatory movement stops.
Gap (play) in the positioner -
actuator - control valve system
Part-turn actuator: Check for the
firmness of the grub screw of the
coupling wheel.
Linear actuator: check for the
firmness of the lever on the
positioning shaft.
Remove any play between the
actuator and the control valve.
In the stationary automatic mode
(constant setpoint) and in the
manual mode, both piezo valves
are continuously activated
alternately and the actuator
oscillates to a mean value.
Actuator is too fast
Increase the actuating times using
the restrictor screws.
If a fast actuating time is required,
increase the dead zone ("dEBA"
parameter) until the oscillatory
movement stops.
Fault table 4