5.4 Basic commissioning with a PC
Converter with control units CU250D-2
Operating Instructions, 04/2015, FW V4.7.3, A5E34261542B AB
The inverter can evaluate up to two encoders (see also Section: Encod-
er assignment (Page 63)):
An HTL encoder on the motor shaft.
The HTL encoder can be used for position sensing as well as for
speed measurement for the speed controller.
An encoder with an SSI interface on the load side.
You can use the SSI encoder only for position sensing.
If you use an HTL encoder, either select one of the standard encoders
or enter the encoder data, also see section: Adapting the encoder data
(Page 78).
…R: Encoder with zero mark
If you use an SSI encoder, either select one of the standard encoders or
enter the encoder data, also see section: Adapting the encoder data
(Page 78).