4.4 Commissioning with factory settings
Frequency inverter
Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
Factory setting of the frequency inverter
Default command and setpoint sources
Frequency inverters used in automation solutions have the appropriate fieldbus interfaces.
These frequency inverters are preset in the factory so that the appropriate control and status
signals can be exchanged via the fieldbus interface.
Frequency inverters without a fieldbus interface are pre-set in the factory so that the digital
and analog and input output signals are exchanged via terminals.
For instance, if you do not want to control a frequency inverter equipped with a fieldbus
interface via the fieldbus, but instead using switches and pushbuttons that are connected to
the binary inputs, then you must change parameter P0700 as follows.
Table 4- 1
Command and setpoint sources
P0700 = 2 or 6
Select the command source
2: Digital intputs (P0701 … P0709) (factory setting for CUs without fieldbus interface)
6: Fieldbus (P2050 … P2091), (factory setting for CUs with fieldbus interface)
P1000 = 2 or 6
Select the setpoint source
2: Analog setpoint (factory setting for CUs without fieldbus interface)
6: Fieldbus (factory setting for CUs with fieldbus interface)