1.2 Adapting the frequency inverter to the particular application (parameter assignment for entry-level personnel)
Frequency inverter
Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
Parameter types
There are two types of parameters, adjustable and display parameters.
Adjustable parameters
Adjustable parameters are represented with four digits preceded by the letter "P". You can
change the value of these parameters within a defined range.
P0305 is the parameter for the rated motor current in Amps. This parameter is set during
commissioning. You can enter values between 0.01 and 10000.
Display parameters
Display parameters are represented with four digits preceded by the letter "r". You cannot
change the value of these parameters.
r0027 is the parameter for the frequency inverter output current. The inverter measures the
current and writes the current value to the parameter. You can display the parameter value,
e.g. using an analog output of the frequency inverter.
Change protection for write parameters
The process of changing parameter values is subject to certain conditions. If an attempt to
change a parameter is rejected by the inverter, this can have a number of causes:
The inverter operating state does not allow you to change parameters.
For example, certain parameters can only be changed when the inverter is in
commissioning mode.
In some cases, you may not be able to change certain parameters due to follow-on
When P0701 = 1, for example, the ON/OFF1 command is connected to digital input 0.
P0840 (source of the ON/OFF1 command) is then assigned 722.0 (status of digital input
0) due to follow-on parameterization, which means that P0840 can no longer be changed.
Parameter protection via P0927 has been activated.
For example, you can no longer change parameters via the BOP because this has been
blocked (P0927 = 1101).
For each parameter, the List Manual specifies whether and which conditions apply for
changing the values.