S7-200 SMART
System Manual, V2.3, 07/2017, A5E03822230-AF
EM DT08, 727
EM DT16, 732
EM DT32, 732
EM QR16, 727
EM QT16, 727
SB AE01, 767
SB CM01, 771
Motion control
configuring reference point and seek
parameters, 616
configuring the Backlash compensation, 615
configuring the input pin locations, 608
defining the motion profile, 618
entering acceleration time, 614
entering jerk time, 615
entering jog parameters, 614
entering maximum start and stop speed, 613
mapping the I/O, 609
Motion features, 604
phasing, 611
polarity, 612
Motion control panel, 649
displaying and controlling the operation of axes, 651
displaying and modifying the configuration of
axes, 656
displaying the profile configuration for the axes, 656
Motion inputs and outputs
CPU, 604
Motion instruction, error codes, 659
Motion profile
configuring, 601
creating steps, 603
defining, 601
mode of operation, 602
Motion wizard
configuration/profile table, 661
maximum and start/stop speeds, 599
open loop motion control, 595
SM locations, 670
DIN rail, 54
expansion cable, 60
isolation, 63
overview, 52
panel, 53
wiring guidelines, 64
MOV_B, 338
MOV_BIR, 341
MOV_BIW, 341
MOV_DW, 338
MOV_R, 338
MOV_W, 338
MOVB (STL-move byte), 338
MOVD (STL-move double word), 338
Move instructions
block move (byte, word, dword), 339
move (byte, word, dword, real), 338
move byte immediate (read and write), 341
SWAP (exchange byte data in a word), 340
MOVR (STL-move real), 338
MOVW (STL-move word), 338
MUL, 300
MUL_DI, 297
MUL_I, 297
MUL_R, 297
Multiple scans, 576
Network communications, 32
Networks (communication)
addresses, 448
biasing and terminating the network cable, 462
biasing cable, 462
calculating network distances, 459
general guidelines for building, 458
network configurations, 446
safety concerns, 458
sample RS485 network configurations, 451
selecting the network cable, 460
single-master PPI, 451
types of communication, 28, 395
New features, 21
NEXT, 342
Non-fatal error effect on run-time execution, 128
Non-fatal PLC errors
compile and run-time, 792
Special Memory locations, 795
Non-volatile memory, 93
NOP, 181
Normally closed contact
immediate, 171
standard, 169
Normally open contact
immediate, 171
standard, 169
NOT (STL), 176
Number value to string conversion instructions, 245