S7-200 SMART
System Manual, V2.3, 07/2017, A5E03822230-AF
Ethernet hardware connection, 33
Ethernet, RS485, and RS232, 28, 395
IP address, 406
locating MAC address on CPU, 413
network, 32
number of connections (Ethernet), 396
number of connections (RS232), 396
number of connections (RS485), 396
point-to-point interface (PPI) protocol, 447
restricting writes, 143
RS485 configuration, 446
RS485 hardware connection, 36
RS485 network address, 452
Communications instructions
receive, 199
transmit, 199
Communications protocol
Compare instructions
compare character strings, 234
compare number value, 230
EM DP01 PROFIBUS DP module, 776
Compiling programs
downloading, 89
PLC non-fatal program errors, 792
CPU, system block, 133
dynamic IP information, 406
Ethernet, 406
IP address, 406
MAC address, 413
profile table (Axis of Motion), 661
RS485 network, 452
RS485 network address, 452
static IP information, 409
Configuration drawings, 103
number of connections (Ethernet), 396
number of connections (RS232), 396
number of connections (RS485), 396
types of communication, 28, 395
Connector, 57
Contact information, 3
negative edge detector, 177
normally closed, 169
normally closed (immediate), 171
normally open, 169
normally open (immediate), 171
NOT, 176
positive edge detector, 177
Contamination level, 682
Convert instructions
ASCII array conversions, 240
ASCII sub-string to number value, 249
encode and decode, 252
number value to string, 245
standard conversion, 236
Cooling, 48
COS (cosine), 302
Counter instructions
high-speed counters, 257
standard counters, 254
accessing data, 74
clearing memory, 164
configuring communication to HMI, 415
connecting power, 32
CPU CR20s specifications, 685
CR20s specifications, 685
CR30s specifications, 695
CR30s wiring diagram, 703
CR40 wiring diagram, 711
CR40s specifications, 704
CR40s wiring diagram, 713
CR60 wiring diagram, 721
CR60s specifications, 714
CR60s wiring diagram, 723
DIN rail, 54
Ethernet communication, 401
Ethernet port, 406
expansion cable, 60
expansion modules supported, 26
fatal errors, 796
features, 18
installation, 52
installation on a panel, 53
IP address, 406
isolation guidelines, 63
LED indicators, 101
LEDs, 18
MAC address, 413
memory card, 97
non-fatal error memory locations, 795
number of communication connections, 396
number of PPI connections, 447
process image register, 71
RS485 network address, 452
RS485 network port, 452
setting the type, 43