ET 200U Distributed I/O Station
EWA 4NEB 812 6087–02b
4.2.2 Starting Up an ET 200U Slave Station
After setting the station number on the bank of switches on the IM 318–B
interface module, proceed as follows to start up and test your ET 200U slave
1. Use a CP 5410 S5–DOS/ST programmer–bus interface to link your pro-
grammer directly to the ET 200U interface module.
2. Call up the SYSTEM START–UP/TEST screen of the COM ET 200 soft-
ware package (press <F5> in the FUNCTIONS screen).
3. In the
Station number:
input field, enter the number of the connected ET 200U slave station.
4. Press <F6> (ENTER) to confirm the input.
Result: COM ET 200 establishes a link to the connected station, assigns pa-
rameters to the station, and displays the SYSTEM START–UP/TEST: MO-
DULE SELECTION screen if the configuration in the program file and the
actual station configuration match.
If the two configurations do not match, COM ET 200 reports an error in the
message line. In such a case, you must go to the CONFIGURATION screen
to correct the station configuration.
If you use a programmer on the bus to start up an ET 200U slave station
while the bus is operating continuously, note the following: The IM 308–B
interface module (in the master station) cannot control the slave station as
long as the programmer has access to the slave station.
The following section describes the start–up and test for an ET 200U(DP Sie-
mens) slave station.
ET 200U(DP Siemens): Address Assignment,Starting–Up,Diagnosing Faults Using COM ET200