Protective field
The protective field protects the hazardous area of a machine or
vehicle. As soon as the electro-sensitive protective device detects
an object in the protective field, it switches the associated safety
outputs to the OFF state. This signal can be passed to controllers
resulting in the dangerous state coming to an end, e.g. to stop the
machine or the vehicle.
A horizontal or vertical protective field is required, depending on
the application. The electro-sensitive protective device can there‐
fore be mounted in horizontal or vertical alignment, depending on
the requirements.
When a protective device has sent a stop command, the stopped
state must be maintained until a reset device is activated and the
machine can be restarted in a second step.
The reset brings the protective device back to the monitoring state
after it has sent a stop command. The reset also quits the start-up
or restart interlock of a protective device, so that the machine can
be restarted in a second step.
The reset must only be possible, when all safety functions and pro‐
tective devices are functional.
The reset of the protective device must not introduce any move‐
ment or dangerous situations itself. The machine is only permitted
to start after the reset once a separate start command has been
Manual resets are performed using a separate, manually oper‐
ated device, such as a reset pushbutton.
Automatic resets by the protective device are only permitted in
special cases, if one of the following conditions is met:
It must not be possible for people to be in the hazardous
area without triggering the protective device.
It must be ensured that no people are in the hazardous
area during or after the reset.
The resolution of an active opto-electronic protective device (also
known as the sensor detection capability) is the minimum size of
an object for it to be reliably detected.
Response time
The protective device’s response time is the maximum time
between the occurrence of the event leading to the sensor’s
response and supply of the switch-off signal to the protective
device’s interface (for example OFF state of the OSSD pair).
Restart interlock
The restart interlock prevents the machine from automatically
starting up, for example after a protective device has responded
while the machine is operating or after changing the machine’s
operating mode.
The restart interlock can be implemented in the protective device
or in the safety controller.
A command to reset the protective device must be given, for exam‐
ple using a reset pushbutton, before the machine can be
Safety integrity level
SIL claim limit (IEC 62061)
Start interlock
The start interlock prevents the machine from automatically start‐
ing up, for example after if the voltage supply of the electro-sensi‐
tive protective device (BWS) is switched on or is restored after an
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | S300
8010948/ZA21/2020-06-18 | SICK
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