LABOKLAV Eco 80 / 135
User Manual
power cable and can cause a fire!
Water supply
The steam sterilizer needs demineralized or distilled water for feed water! Please refer to Appendix
C EN 13060 about water quality. Normal tap water / drinking water is not for use as feed water! See
the quality definition in chapter VII Additional Information. The feed water is manually filled in the
chamber until the height of bottom plate is reached. More water will be pressed out while
deaeration phase.
The device is prepared to be connected to a central cooling water supply for output cooling. This is
made for protection of the house side installation of the drain. In case of this is given please use the
connection. For that condensate cooling function drinking water is recommended. Pressure on
water supply should be not less than 0.5 bar.
Attention! If the chamber is not filled with enough feed water
before starting the process, the unit can not finish the
program. Over heat protecting will break the program. In case
of program break let the chamber cooling down to normal
environmental temperature. Do not fill cold water inside the
4. Intended use
The steam sterilizer Laboklav ECO 80 / 135 is equipped with a chamber by 80 Liter or 135 Liter
chamber volume. It is constructed for the steam sterilization of instruments, materials for non
medical use and liquids. Liquids should be water based solutions only! All versions contain a
thermo lock acc. to IEC 61010-2-42. Different versions depending on the use of the sterilizers are
In Basic version the sterilization of solid materials like instruments and glass ware, waste and
liquids is possible. Instruments should be sterilized in unwrapped form. Please be sure that the
materials to sterilize are allowed to be sterilized by steam sterilization in the correct temperature
range you want to sterilize them. We suggest to do not sterilize wrapped, porous and hollow
materials with basic units. The result is not defined and not possible to validate.
The version with fast liquid cooling option is equipped to make the cooling process of liquids faster
than self cooling process can be. The use of the active cooling process is constructed for the use of
not tightly closed flasks! Reduce of process time of cooling process is about 40 % compared with
basic version! In consequence of the active cooling process happens a loss of liquids by 3 – 12 %
depending of the pressure reduce speed (programmable by service).