LABOKLAV Eco 80 / 135
User Manual
Description of program steps
The sterilizing process in steam sterilizer line Laboklav ECO (see drawings above) contains the
following program steps:
- feed water level check:
Not implemented automatically! This step has to be done manually before each cycle by the user!
- Deaeration:
Chamber is heated up to 96°C, now the feed water is continuously heated while the deaeration
valve is continuously kept open over the deaeration time.
- Heating
While heating feed water, the chamber is filled with steam up to the preset pressure and
temperature. In heating phase a deaeration clock is working in most of the programs.
- Sterilizing
While sterilization phase the unit is keeping the set temperature over the sterilization time. In case
of lower temperature than set temperature, the timer for the sterilization time is stopping.
- Pressure remove
The steam is removing from chamber until reaching programmed pressure in chamber
- Cooling
This is programmed for liquids only. Depending on the integrated fast cooling options different
cooling versions are possible: passive or active, in active cooling the chamber wall is cooled by air.
- Venting
The program is using for the venting function the integrated venting air filter automatically. The
function works until reaching the programmed air pressure.
- Equalizing
For additional safety the device is waiting a few seconds after reaching the program finish to make
sure that no measurement mistake has set the program to finish. Equalizing time depends on
program and sterilization goods and can be different.
- End of program
After the end of the program the unit is waiting for quitting the program end by pressing the
Stop-button. The unit is showing this situation with blinking display. Attention! With pressing the
stop button the autoclave is automatically opening the lid. This may be noisy!
All sterilization cycles are running automatically. The duration of a single cycle depends on the
load, kind of deaeration, the start conditions (warm or cold), kind of cooling etc. Even so the type of
sterilization goods and kind of loading the good inside the chamber have an enormous effect on the
cycle time. In case of a validation you can define the goods and loads. When ever the same good /
load with same program and same parameters are started, the time depends mainly from start
temperature. The control unit is automatically adding preheating and deaeration cycles if
temperature was to low!