watchdog event or a failure of an internal power source. Fatal faults require
intervention by technical support.
Status Information in ServoStudio
Drive status information can be found in various ServoStudio screens.
The Drive Info screen shows basic information about the CDHD, such the
current rating, hardware version and firmware version. It is important to
communicate this information to Servotronix Technical Support when
requesting assistance. This screen also provides access to the firmware
upgrade utility.
The Faults screen shows a list of drive faults. Use this information to
identify the problem and take steps to correct it.
The Digital I/O screen allows you to check the status and configuration of
the digital inputs and outputs.
The Motion screen allows you to issue motion commands in the operation
mode of your choice, and to view actual values of current, velocity and
The Scope screen enables you to record data from the drive, with or
without associated motion.
Fault and Status Queries
The following commands can be used to query the status of the drive.
Returns a list of faults latched by the drive. Faults remain latched
until cleared by CLEARFAULTS or EN, provided that the fault
condition has been removed.
FLTHIST Returns a list of faults that have occurred since the fault buffer was
last cleared.
FLTCLR Clears the fault history buffer.
The ST command returns a textual summary of the drive status.
Refer to the VarCom Reference Manual for a complete list and details of variables
and commands.
Fault Codes and Names
The following table will help you interpret fault codes and names, and respond
Display is the code that appears on the 7-segment display.
If the fault code is a single character (such as u), the character flashes on
and off. (The exception is F, which remains lit steadily).
If the fault code is more than one character (such as A4), the characters are
displayed one at a time, in sequence.
Fault Name is the text message displayed in ServoStudio when the fault occurs.
Faults can also be viewed in the ServoStudio Faults screen.