FlexPS initial calibration
FlexPS Product Guide
Page 73
Conduct the initial climb testing at the processor’s default settings. The Window is set at 30
seconds, the climb alarm Threshold is 10 and the Time is set at 3 seconds. This means that for an
alarm to occur, the processor must record 3 seconds of climbing activity with a signal magnitude
above 10, within a 30 second period.
Open the Calibrate tool, and setup the tool by selecting the Cable side (A or B) and
Select the Record button to start the plot.
Beginning on the first fence panel, have the tester begin climbing on the fence. Watch the
Climb indicator to verify that the climbing activity is accumulating.
Watch the signal magnitude as the climber moves on the fence. The resulting signal
magnitude must exceed the climb alarm Threshold.
If the climbing activity does not cause the Climb indicator to accumulate climb time, lower the
Threshold and repeat the test.
Preventing weather related nuisance alarms
If your FlexPS system is having a problem with nuisance alarms during inclement weather, inspect
the fence to ensure it is in good condition and there are no loose fittings that can cause metal on
metal contact. Next, connect the UCM to the processor and review the alarm history. If the
nuisance alarms are listed as cut alarms, raise the cut alarm Threshold. If the alarms are listed as
climb alarms, raise the climb alarm Threshold. Continue with this process until the nuisance alarm
rate reaches an acceptable level. Retest the appropriate detection (cut or climb) after raising an
alarm threshold.
Adjusting the Audio Gain
If your system is setup to use the audio listen-in feature, you should adjust the Audio Gain. If your
system includes multiple processors using the audio listen-in capability, you should adjust the
Audio Gain on each processor to provide a consistent audio response in the control room.
Start the UCM and establish a connection to the processor.
Select the Cable Cfig tab and start the Calibrate tool.
Activate the Audio Monitor for Side A.
Have a tester create fence noise in the A side zone.
Listen to the noise over the amplified speaker to determine if the volume is adequate.
Adjust the Audio Gain, if required, and repeat the fence noise test.
When the volume is acceptable on the A side, repeat the process on the B side.
Once you are satisfied with the audio level, close the Calibrate tool and download the new
settings to the processor.