FlexPS initial calibration
Page 72
FlexPS Product Guide
Select the Record button to start the plot.
Beginning in the middle of the first fence panel, at least 30 cm (1 ft.) away from the cable, tap
the fence 4 times with the blade of a medium screwdriver. Wait approximately 2 seconds
between taps.
Each tap should be at the same location and should use the same amount of force.
Move along the fence tapping each panel 4 times. Wait at least 4 seconds between panels.
After tapping the last fence panel in the zone, stop the recording and review the plot.
Take the average of the 4 readings for each fence panel.
Look for an average reading that is between 50 and 125.
If the average readings are below 50, increase the Cable setting by 1, apply the changes, and
repeat the tapping procedure while recording a plot.
If the average readings are above 125, decrease the Cable setting by 1, apply the changes,
and repeat the tapping procedure.
When the average reading of each fence panel is consistently between 50 and 125, the Cable
setting is correct for this zone.
Setting up the Cut Alarm parameters
At the default Cut Alarm settings, the Window is 30 seconds, the Threshold is 10, and the Count is
4. This means that for an alarm to occur, the processor must record 4 distinct Cuts with a signal
magnitude above 10, within a 30 second period. The Cut Profile is an Advanced Parameter and
should be adjusted only by a factory trained maintenance technician. At the default setting, 20% of
the Window setting is added to the Time remaining with each subsequent Count (i.e., Count 1
starts the time Window counter, Count 2 adds 6 seconds to the Window, Count 3 adds 6 seconds,
Count 4 causes an alarm and resets the Window to 0.)
The default settings for the Cut Alarm parameters are based on extensive field experience with
Senstar’s previous generation of fence protection systems. You can increase, or decrease, the
number of fence cuts required to trigger an alarm, raise the cut alarm Threshold, and increase, or
decrease, the period of time in which the specified number of cuts must occur. You can also
increase, or decrease, the amount of time added to the Window with each recorded cut Count.
The cut Count and Window can be changed to meet a specification or site requirements. The
Threshold can be adjusted to help prevent nuisance alarms from environmental effects. If your site
does not specify values for the Count and Window parameters, Senstar recommends using the
default values and changing the values only if you experience a problem with nuisance alarms.
Setting up the Climb Alarm parameters
The best method for setting up the Climb Alarm Settings is to actually climb the protected fence.
You do not have to climb over the fence as long as the climbing activity exceeds the climb Time
If the average readings for one or two fence panels are above 125 or
below 50, repeat the tap test on those panels. If the secondary test
also results in a high or low response, carefully inspect the particular
panels and correct any problems. If another tap test does not provide
an adequate response, you may have to adjust the processor’s Filter
Settings (see
Adjusting the Filter Settings on page 80
DO NOT change the Cable setting to compensate for one or two
fence panels that fall outside the recommended range.