Sequencer COMPACT
Technical brochure
FI 72.0467.0118E
Page 34 / 42
Page Parameters of the Analog Input 4/20mA
1: Analog Input 4-20mA setting. 2 possible choices (setting enabled in level 1 & 2):
If analog input is used,
2: Custom Analog Input Designation. It will be the name which will appear to show the measured value on main page
(14 characters max.) (setting enabled in level 2)
3: Measure unit (6 characters max.) (setting enabled in level 2)
If pressure switch => daPa
If temperature sensor => deg
4: Setting of the sample rate of the recording (setting enabled in level 1 & 2)
Adjustment from 1 to 60 sec
Configuration of the analog input:
5: value of the measured physical value corresponding to the value of the input 4-20mA = 4mA (see notice of the
instrument which is connected to the analog input). (setting enabled in level 2)
6: value of the measured physical value corresponding to the value of the input 4-20mA = 20mA (see notice of the
instrument which is connected to the analog input). (setting enabled in level 2)
7: Low alarm threshold (setting enabled in level 1 & 2)
If the measured physical value falls below this threshold more than 5 seconds -> Low alarm analog input
8: High alarm threshold (setting enabled in level 1 & 2)
If the measured physical value stays above this threshold more than 5 seconds ->High alarm analog input
9: Link towards main page / synoptic
10: Link towards page parameters analog input