Sequencer COMPACT
Technical brochure
FI 72.0467.0118E
Page 30 / 42
Page Sequencer Parameters (1/2)
1: Number of declogging solenoids valves which are used. Adjustable from 1 to 128 (setting enabled in level 2)
2: Type of declogging stop. 2 possible choices (setting enabled in level 2):
-end of cycle: the ongoing cycle ends up.
-during cycle: the cycle will stop where it is (at the end of T2 time). It will start again, from this position.
3: Enslavement of declogging with load loss dP. 2 possible choices (setting enabled in level 2):
-with dP declogging order enslaved to the load loss dP.
-without dP. The declogging order does not depend on the load loss dP.
4: Number of declogging cycles (0 to 255) to run after the fan stops (setting enabled in level 1 & 2).
5: Link towards page parameters
6: Link towards main page / synoptic
7: Link towards page sequencer parameters (2/2)