Sequencer COMPACT
Technical brochure
FI 72.0467.0118E
Page 17 / 42
Page Graph of load loss dP
1: Curve of the load loss dP value, with time and date
Visualization of the x last running days of the device. The time x is depending to the sample rate, it is set from the
page Parameters of the pressure switch.
2: cursor to display value of the x last days
3: link towards information page load loss dP
4: link towards main page / synoptic
5: recording of values on USB key. (enable at setting level 2)
The system allows to get the 200 000 lasts values of load loss measures on the USB key.
The sample rate is adjustable between 1 to 60 sec (see on “pressure switch page parameters”).
Example: if the sample rate setting is 1 record/60sec, then the total recording time is equal to 138 days.
To insert the USB key, it is necessary to open the box and insert an USB key at the back of the HMI.
Once USB key is inserted, wait the audio signal, which indicates that the system has identified the USB key.
Press USB recording key, validate and wait for the message “recording with success” / “recording fault”.
Before to unplug the USB key, must go to the Page Menu Parameters HMI and press the button “Unplug USB key”.
The recorded folder is a *.csv type. Compatible with software of board conception, as Excel.
The name of folder is like : dP_ date _ NumSerie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.csv
This step can take a few minutes.