(d). If “No PIN Set” appears under Authentication Level, please press Change PIN;
(e). Enter a New PIN and press “OK”. A prompt to confirm PIN will appear. Re-enter the same PIN and
press “OK”.
(f). One the procedure is complete, ensure the 4 socket head screws are replaced to secure the light head
and solar chassis.
• Colour Menu
Displays the lantern colour (White, Red, Green, Blue or Yellow)
• Peak Intensity Menu
Displays the Lantern Maximum Intensity in candelas (cd) based on
the LED Colour.
• Battery Option
This section displays the battery size capacity in Ampere hour (Ah)
and is configurable.
• Voltage
The battery health status.
• Status
Displays the battery health status, the current light sensor state
and if the GPS is enabled, synchronised or off station. Any warning
states will cause the status to be shown in amber or red.
• Lantern Geolocation
Displays the lantern coordinates and allows the location to be
plotted on a map.
Lantern Status
From the “Lantern Status” section the user can verify the current lantern status