Handling, Servicing & Maint.
Pilot's Flight Manual
16 Jan 2019
(rear ward) do not drag skid heels on the ground
and avoid deep de pres sions in the ground sur face.
Dam age to land ing gear com po nents may oc cur if
heels catch on a rough sur face or the wheels drop
into a deep de pres sion.
Move he li cop ter on ground by man u ally bal anc ing on ground han -
dling wheels and push ing on tail ro tor trans mis sion hous ing and any
other sturdy struc tural mem bers of he li cop ter (i.e. cabin back struc -
ture, steel tube cen ter frame, land ing gear cross beams, etc.).
One stan dard and two op tional hourmeter in stal la tions are of fered on the
Model 269C He li cop ter
1. In the stan dard hourmeter in stal la tions, the hourmeter is ac tu ated by main
trans mis sion oil pres sure. The hourmeter will run and re cord time when -
ever the main ro tor trans mis sion oil pres sure is above the min i mum value
(main ro tor turn ing, warn ing light out). When this in stal la tion is uti lized,
no mul ti ply ing fac tor is re quired when the re corded time is used to de ter -
mine pe ri odic in spec tion re quire ments over haul in ter vals, and the ser vice
life of life lim ited com po nents.
2. In the op tional land ing gear ac tu ated hourmeter in stal la tion, the
hourmeter is ac tu ated by a “squat” switch at tached to the land ing gear.
The hourmeter will run and re cord time when ever the air craft is in flight
(no weight on the land ing gear). This in stal la tion re cords “flight time”, or
“time in ser vice” as de fined in FAR Part 1.1, and NO mul ti ply ing fac tor is
re quired when this re corded time is used to de ter mine pe ri odic in spec tion
re quire ments, over haul in ter vals, and the ser vice life of life lim ited com -
po nents.
3. In the op tional col lec tive ac tu ated hourmeter in stal la tion, the hourmeter is
ac tu ated by a switch that senses the po si tion of the col lec tive con trol stick.
The hourmeter will run and re cord time when ever the main ro tor trans mis -
sion oil pres sure is above the min i mum value and the col lec tive con trol is
off the (down) stop. Cal cu lated ser vice lives are based on the per cent oc -
cur rence of ma neu vers pro vided in the FAA Ap proved flight spec trum. In
this spec trum there is a per cent age of flight time al lo cated for full down
col lec tive ma neu vers (autorotations). In or der to com pen sate for this un -
re corded flight time when the col lec tive ac tu ated hourmeter is uti lized, the
time re corded on the hourmeter must be mul ti plied by 1.12 when used to
de ter mine pe ri odic in spec tion re quire ments, over haul in ter vals, and the
ser vice life of life-lim ited com po nents (Model 269C HMI, Ap pen dix B).
This Document contains technical data subject to EAR. See WARNING and classifications on first page.
Model 269C Helicopter
CSP Book 1 CSP-C-1.indd 172
8/4/19 12:46 PM