Handling, Servicing & Maint.
Pilot's Flight Manual
16 Jan 2019
Re fu el ing ve hi cle should be parked with ex haust outlet a min i mum
of 20 feet from he li cop ter filler point dur ing fuel ing operation.
Be fore start ing fuel ing op er a tion, con nect ground wire from fuel ing
noz zle or from fuel truck to the GROUND HERE re cep ta cle or other
bare metal lo ca tion on he li cop ter.
No smok ing or open flame within 100 feet of the he li cop ter and fuel
Fuel Ca pac ity:
Ta ble 7-1. Fuel Quan tity
To tal
Us able
30 U.S. gal lons
29.8 U.S. gal lons
Aux (if in stalled)
19 U.S. gal lons
18.8 U.S. gal lons
To tal
49 U.S. gal lons
48.6 U.S. gal lons
OR For Later Air craft
33 U.S. gal lons
32.5 U.S. gal lons
See Sup ple ment CSP-C-1R for 65 gal lon aux il iary fuel sys tem or
CSP-C-1U for 66 gal lon aux il iary fuel sys tem.
Ma te ri als:
Fuel - Grade 100/130 (green) or 115/145 (pur ple) or 100LL
(blue) MIL-F-5572
Fill ing - Fuel Sys tem
Re fuel he li cop ter as soon as pos si ble af ter land ing to pre vent mois -
ture con den sa tion and to keep the he li cop ter as heavy as pos si ble in
case of winds. The fuel ing op er a tion may be ac com plished by any
method that par al lels the fol low ing pro ce dures as closely as pos si -
ble. Re fuel air craft in level at ti tude to achieve ac cu rate quan ti ties.
In many in stances, it will be nec es sary to op er ate
the he li cop ter from un im proved fields that lack
nor mal fuel ser vicing equip ment. When fueling
This Document contains technical data subject to EAR. See WARNING and classifications on first page.
Model 269C Helicopter
CSP Book 1 CSP-C-1.indd 156
8/4/19 12:46 PM