Model 269C Helicopter
Pilot's Flight Manual
16 Jan 2019
The fol low ing plac ards are re quired on all he li cop ters
600 pounds max i mum gross in cabin; see Ro tor craft
Flight Man ual for Weight and Bal ance Pro ce dure
No stor age be tween seats with cen ter col lec tive in -
The fol low ing plac ard is re quired on he li cop ter with ex haust muff
cabin heater.
Avoid pro longed sideward flight
The fol low ing plac ard is re quired on he li cop ter with Stew art-Warner
cabin heater.
For heater op er a tion on ground with en gine not run -
ning, mix ture con trol must be in IDLE CUT OFF
The fol low ing plac ards are re quired on he li cop ter with search light.
Re move R.H. cy clic stick when op er at ing search light
Stow and lock light han dle in for ward po si tion with
R.H. cy clic stick in stalled
The fol low ing plac ard also re quired on he li cop ter with the ex tend -
able search light.
Re tract light for land ing
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FAA Approved
CSP Book 1 CSP-C-1.indd 55
8/4/19 12:45 PM