Handling, Servicing & Maint.
Pilot's Flight Manual
16 Jan 2019
Fire extinguishers shall be readily avail able for all fuel ing and
defueling op er a tions.
Be fore be gin ning defueling op er a tion, con nect ground wire from
defueling equip ment to the GROUND HERE re cep ta cle or other
bare metal lo ca tion on he li cop ter.
No smok ing or open flame within 100 feet of the he li cop ter and
defueling equip ment.
Af ter defueling en sure that the drain valves are closed and se cure.
The en gine has a wet sump lu bri ca tion sys tem lo cated on the bot tom
of the en gine. Oil quan tity is checked by us ing the dip stick lo cated
in the left front cor ner of the en gine sump. The dip stick is grad u ated
in 2-quart in cre ments and has an O-ring to pre vent oil leak age. Oil
is added to the en gine through the dip stick open ing by us ing an au -
to mo tive-type filler spout with a flex i ble hose.
Note: Check en gine oil level be fore the first flight of
the day.
Fre quent oil changes are highly de sir able. More fre quent changes
are de sir able when poor en vi ron men tal con di tions (i.e., dust and
high OAT) are pres ent. Use an ashless dis per sant oil at all times af -
ter break-in as rec om mended by Lycoming Ser vice In struc tion No.
1014 (lat est re vi sion). Re fer to Lycoming Ser vice Bul le tin No. 480
lat est re vi sion for oil and oil fil ter change in ter vals and oil screen
clean ing in ter val rec om men da tions.
Ta ble 7-2. Rec om mended En gine Oil Grades
Sin gle
Mul ti ple
Av er age Am bi ent
Vis cos ity
Vis cos ity
Air Tem per a ture
15W50 or 20W50
All Tem per a tures
Above 80°F
Above 60°F
30° to 90°F
0° to 70°F
Be low 10°F
This Document contains technical data subject to EAR. See WARNING and classifications on first page.
Model 269C Helicopter
CSP Book 1 CSP-C-1.indd 159
8/4/19 12:46 PM