Handling, Servicing & Maint.
Pilot's Flight Manual
16 Jan 2019
The tail ro tor trans mis sion trans mits power from the tail ro tor drive
shaft at a right-an gle to the tail ro tor. A set of bevel gears in creases
tail ro tor rpm. The trans mis sion is lo cated on the aft end of the
tailboom. Ser vice the trans mis sion with a thor ough vi sual in spec tion
and main tain proper oil level.
Tail ro tor trans mis sion oil ca pac ity ½ pint to tal
Rec om mended Lu bri cants
SAE HD90 J2360, MIL-L-2105 or MIL-PRF-2105 ap proved for
use at -18°C (0°F) to 43°C (110°F).
SAE HD80 J2360, MIL-L-2105 or MIL-PRF-2105 ap proved for
use at -29°C (-20°F) to 4°C (40°F).
Fill ing - Tail Ro tor Trans mis sion
Note: Do not open the trans mis sion if there is blow ing
dust or sand in the im me di ate area.
With he li cop ter level, vi su ally check oil level in liq uid level plug
win dow. Tail ro tor trans mis sion, oil must be at FULL mark.
Cut lockwire and re move breather filler plug.
Using oil filler can, add re quired amount of oil.
Vi sually check liq uid level plug for proper oil level.
In stall trans mis sion breather-filler (45 to 55 in.-lbs.) and lockwire.
Vi sually check trans mis sion as sem bly for leak age and ob vi ous
dam age.
Draining - Tail Ro tor Trans mis sion.
Place suit able con tainer un der chip de tec tor of tail ro tor trans mis -
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Model 269C Helicopter
CSP Book 1 CSP-C-1.indd 166
8/4/19 12:46 PM