Handling, Servicing & Maint.
Pilot's Flight Manual
16 Jan 2019
lots col lec tive throt tle con trol han dle for cor re spond ing ac tion and
ob serve that throt tle arm reaches full open and full closed stops at
the fuel in jec tor.
Cy clic Con trol: In sert cy clic con trol stick into cy clic con trol socket.
Align holes in cy clic stick with holes in socket and in stall quick-dis -
con nect pin; OR in stall knob as sem bly and safety pin. Route cy clic
con trol wire bun dle in a man ner that will not in ter fere with cy clic
move ment and at tach wire con nec tor. Ro tate lock on con nec tor to
se cure con nec tion.
Tail Ro tor Con trol Pedal: Re move ex haust fume plugs from rub ber
boots. In sert left and right tail ro tor con trols into re spec tive rub ber
boots and sock ets. Align holes in pedal con trols with holes in pedal
sock ets and in stall quick-dis con nect pins in sock ets. Check po si tion
of rub ber boots and ad just as nec es sary to pre vent re stric tions in
pedal move ment. (In stall fu se lage side panel or ap pro pri ate chin
skin, if ap pli ca ble.)
Cal cu late weight and bal ance in ac cor dance with Sec tion 6 and the
air craft equip ment list.
Cabin doors may be re moved or in stalled by pi lot.
In windy con di tions, can opy glass or door as sem bly
may be dam aged af ter the door stop is dis en gaged if
door is not held se curely.
1. Re moval of Cabin Doors:
Open door and dis en gage door stop bracket hook from pin in side
stop hous ing mounted on doorframe; OR if equipped with pneu -
matic door open ers: Open door and re move wire clip from in board
end of pneu matic door opener. Using a soft mal let, dis en gage pneu -
matic door opener from socket ball.
Hold door open far enough to gain ac cess to top and bot tom hinge
as sem blies. Lo cate spring loaded hinge pin tabs in hinge as sem blies.
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Model 269C Helicopter
CSP Book 1 CSP-C-1.indd 174
8/4/19 12:46 PM