NOTE: Nee dle sep a ra tion in di cates proper op er a tion
of over run clutch.
Check throttle override. Do not raise collective.
Check the following items for proper indication or position, before
Fuel quan tity.
Fuel pres sure; boost pump OFF, boost
pump ON.
NOTE: Boost pump must be ON dur ing take off and
land ing and when un der 450 feet AGL; op er a tion of the
pump dur ing other en gine op er a tions is per mis si ble at
the dis cre tion of the pi lot.
Cyl in der head tem per a ture.
En gine oil pres sure.
En gine oil tem per a ture.
Trans mis sion warn ing light OFF.
Switches and cir cuit break ers.
Fuel shut off valve full ON.
Mix ture con trol FULL RICH.
Clutch warn ing light OUT.
Fuel low warn ing light OUT.
Release CONTROL frictions and set as desired.
Adjust cyclic trim controls as desired.
Pitot heat (if installed)
As required
NOTE: Be fore hover or take off is at tempted, check
that cyl in der head and oil tem per a ture gauge in di ca tors
are in the green. Un der cer tain weather con di tions it
may not be pos si ble to ob tain the green range while on
the ground; how ever, sta bi lize tem per a tures be fore
take off.
Normal Procedures
Pilot's Flight Manual
16 Jan 2019
This Document contains technical data subject to EAR. See WARNING and classifications on first page.
Model 269C Helicopter
FAA Approved
CSP Book 1 CSP-C-1.indd 106
8/4/19 12:45 PM