Handling, Servicing & Maint.
Pilot's Flight Manual
16 Jan 2019
brack ets and se cured in place with re tain ing pins. For ground han dling, re -
lease the re tain ing pins and re move the wheel as sem blies from the step.
Have one per son push down on the tailboom while an other per son lifts the
toe of the skid. In sert the steel shaft of the wheel as sem bly in the bush ing lo -
cated in the skid tube and se cure in place with the re tain ing pin.
Be fore
, re move and stow the ground han dling wheels in re verse or der of in -
stal la tion.
Do Not Op er ate
the he li cop ter with the ground han dling wheels
in stalled in the skid tubes.
Over Cen ter Ground Han dling Wheels Con fig ured For Stow age in
Mounts on Skid Tubes.
These wheel as sem blies are con fig ured with mount brack ets per ma nently
at tached to the skid tubes and pro vi sions for stow age of the op er at ing han -
dle on the in board side of the left hand land ing gear sta bi lizer (step). The
han dle is se cured in the stow age mount with a quick re lease pin. The sin gle
wheel as sem bly can re main at tached to the skid tube mounts dur ing flight or
can be re moved be fore flight. For ground han dling, re lease the lynch pin re -
tainer clip and re move the lynch pin from mount; ro tate wheel aft to the
ground. Re move the op er at ing han dle from the stow age mount and in sert
han dle into hole in axle as sem bly. Ro tate han dle aft un til lynch pin holes are
aligned and in sert lynch pin; se cure pin with re tainer clip.
Be fore Flight
, in
re verse or der of low er ing the wheels, ro tate wheel as sem blies to the up po -
si tion and se cure in place with lynch pins.
Do Not Op er ate
the he li cop ter
with the ground han dling wheels ro tated down into the ground han dling po -
si tion. Stow han dle in mount and se cure with quick re lease pin.
Remove the ground han dling wheel assemblies from the he li cop ter by re -
mov ing lynch pins from mounts and re mov ing safety pins from in board end
of ro tat ing axle. When re mov ing the axle as sem blies from the mounts, note
the num ber and lo ca tion of wash ers that are placed on the axle. In stall the
axle as sem bly in the mount in re verse or der of re moval. Dur ing in stal la tion,
two or more spac ing wash ers are placed on the axle be tween the wheel and
the mount and one washer is placed on the in board end of the axle be tween
the mount and re tain ing pin.
When bal anc ing/mov ing the he li cop ter by hand, do
not push on sta bi liz ers, tailboom sup port struts, tail
ro tor guard, or any other com po nent or sur face
that may sus tain dam age from ground han dling or
push ing. If he li cop ter is moved in the aft di rec tion
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Model 269C Helicopter
CSP Book 1 CSP-C-1.indd 171
8/4/19 12:46 PM