Handling, Servicing & Maint.
Pilot's Flight Manual
16 Jan 2019
Fill ing - En gine Oil Sys tem
Vi su ally check oil level on dip stick. If oil level is at 6-quart grad u a -
tion or be low, add no less than 1 quart of oil.
Us ing clean oil filler can, add de sired quan tity of oil.
Wipe dip stick clean and re check oil level.
In stall dip stick in en gine re cep ta cle and check for se cu rity.
Vi su ally check oil sys tem com po nents for ev i dence of leak age.
Drain ing - En gine Oil Sys tem
Place suit able con tainer un der the en gine oil sump; re move drain
Al low suf fi cient time for all oil to drain from sump.
Clean en gine fil ter screens or change filter.
Re in stall drain plug in en gine sump and at tach safety wire.
The bat tery stores elec tri cal en ergy pro duced by the he li cop ter gen -
er a tor/al ter na tor and sup plies cur rent to the elec tri cal sys tem on
de mand. The he li cop ter uses a 12- or 24-volt bat tery lo cated on ei -
ther right or left-hand aft side of the cen ter-sec tion frame,
de pend ing on the par tic u lar he li cop ter. The bat tery is in a mount ing
bracket and is se cured by a clamp.
Over filling and over charg ing the bat tery are two com mon causes of
elec tro lyte spill age dur ing he li cop ter flight. To pre clude cor ro sion
of the struc ture and any pos si ble de te ri o ra tion of flo ta tion gear fab -
ric ma te rial due to bat tery acid spill age or spew ing, per form these
few sim ple ser vic ing pre cau tions:
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Model 269C Helicopter
CSP Book 1 CSP-C-1.indd 160
8/4/19 12:46 PM