Handling, Servicing & Maint.
Pilot's Flight Manual
16 Jan 2019
Squeeze tabs to gether and ro tate them out to en gage slots in hinge.
Af ter pins have dis en gaged door hinge half, re move door. (Re fer to
VNE Plac ard for “doors off” op er at ing lim i ta tions.)
Cal cu late weight and bal ance in ac cor dance with Sec tion 6 and the
air craft equip ment list.
2. In stal la tion of Cabin Doors:
Lo cate spring loaded hinge pin tabs in hinge as sem blies at tached to
doorframe. Squeeze tabs to gether and ro tate them out to en gage
slots in hinge. Hold door in open po si tion and en gage and align
hinge as sem blies. Ro tate tabs out of slots to al low springs to seat
pins in door hinge. Some move ment of door may be re quired to cor -
rect align ment of hinges.
En gage door stop bracket hook on pin in side stop hous ing mounted
on doorframe; OR if equipped with pneu matic door open ers: Using
a soft mal let, en gage in board end of pneu matic door opener with
socket ball; in stall wire clip.
Cal cu late weight and bal ance in ac cor dance with Sec tion 6 and the
air craft equip ment list.
1. In stal la tion of bal last.
Align the hole of the weighted base mount with the ground han dling
wheel bush ing lo cated in the skid tube. In sert the mount re ten tion
pin through the mount and bush ing un til the pin head is flush with
the mount. Se cure the pin in place by in sert ing the self-lock ing pin
through the safety pin hole in the end of the pin.
As re quired, in stall sec ond bal last weight on top of the weighted
base and se cure to the base with two bolts in op po site cor ners.
Using the ac tual weight num bers that are sten ciled on the in di vid ual
weights, cal cu late weight and bal ance in ac cor dance with Sec tion 6.
2. Re moval of bal last.
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Model 269C Helicopter
CSP Book 1 CSP-C-1.indd 175
8/4/19 12:46 PM