Instructions for use arco-matic 200 M / 300 M - Version 2018-05-08 GBR ID no. 2038823A
Cleaning and disinfecting
This chapter describes the rules that have to be
observed when cleaning and disinfecting this prod-
In addition, in-house rules for cleaning and disin-
fecting that result from the operational duties of
your hospital / your clinic / your surgery apply.
Furthermore, the instructions of the cleaning and
disinfectant manufacturers must be observed.
Observe the regulations in eff ect in your country and
at your organisation for the cleaning and disinfection
of medical devices. Observe the safety and oper-
ating information of the cleaning and disinfectant
manufacturer, the applicable hygiene rules as well as
the occupational health and safety rules!
If the device or part of the device (e.g. the recharge-
able batteries) is plugged into the mains power,
moisture from the cleaning process may lead to
electric shock and infl ict burns on the cleaning
For this reason, disconnect the power supply prior to
Spraying/spritzing or pouring cleaning or disinfecting
fl uids will cause these fl uids to enter and damage
mechanical and electronic parts (e.g. through
corrosion). Therefore only ever apply cleaning and
disinfection fl uids by wiping the device with a cloth
soaked in the cleaning or disinfection fl uid!
Products from SCHMITZ u. Söhne are delivered
non-sterile and cannot be sterilised.
Remove the pad from the supporting surface for
cleaning if this is possible.
Clean the product in accordance with the instruc-
tions for use issued by the cleaning agent manu-
facturer as well as the adjacent description. Then
remove any cleaning agent residue.
After cleaning the product, dry it with an absor-
bent lint-free cloth.
Check the product after cleaning/disinfection
for freedom of movement, corrosion, damaged
surfaces, chipping and any remaining dirt.
Replace damaged products.
Inappropriate disinfectants will damage the surface
of the product, including the pad! Use disinfectants
with the following active ingredient combinations:
aldehyde (e.g. formaldehyde)
quaternary ammonium compounds (“Quats”)
guanidine derivatives
Do not use the following for cleaning and disinfec-
abrasives or solvents, in particular organic
solvents such as benzine, benzol or acetone
products containing alcohol (e.g. skin disin-
solutions that contain or split off halides (e.g.
fl uorine, chlorine, iodine or bromine)
abrasive cleaning agents (e.g. wire brushes, steel
water containing ferrous particles
cleaning sponges containing iron
products containing hydrochloric acid
saline or isotonic solutions
machine cleaning procedure
superheated steam procedure
Do not use disinfectant sprays on mechanical parts.