Instructions for use arco-matic 200 M / 300 M - Version 2018-05-08 GBR ID no. 2038823A
Example of an adjustment: horizontal position
The ideal ergonomic access height of just 550 mm
in turn means a low height when putting the patient
into the horizontal position.
Fig. 40
Example 1
Alternatively, the patient can be put into the hori-
zontal position as shown in Fig. 41.
Fig. 41
Example 2
Example of an adjustment: shock position
In the event of an unexpected movement into
the shock position (seat pad up, back pad down),
patients may get a fright and injure themselves by
sudden countermovements.
Therefore, move the examination and treatment
chair carefully to the shock position, and inform the
patient about the planned changed in position!
Fig. 42
Caution in the shock position