Schilling Marking Systems GmbH
In Grubenäcker 1 DE-78532 Tuttlingen
+49 (0)7461 9472-0
+49 (0)7461 9472-20
Technical modifications reserved
Edition 2004
Screw the new lens into the engraving head, after having removed the upper protection
cap and cleaned the optical surface.
N.B.: Make sure the new lens is mechanically compatible with the engraving head seat. If the
new lens is not compatible with the engraving head seat, create an adaptation flange.
Once the lens has been replaced, the laser focus needs to be adjusted again.
Ordinary maintenance
Ordinary maintenance performed by the Operator exclusively involves cleaning the protection
glass of the lens and cleaning the area around the fans.
These operations must be carried out on a weekly basis.
Cleaning the lens protection glass
Turn off the System.
Disconnect the device from the mains before doing any maintenance work.
Pour a few drops of acetone or ethyl ether on a rag.
Gently rub the glass with a circular movement, from the centre towards the outside.
(See the following Picture).
Let any flammable solvents or cleaning fluids used to clean the lenses dry before
the laser is put back into operation.