Mach-DSP User’s Manual
Document Number: MACH-DSP-9021
Page 49
Anti-windup type
When the servo is configured for PID or PDFF, it is possible that the integrator may
cause overshoots, especially when the input command signal involves large
squarewave-like steps. The anti-windup system can be used to eliminate such
overshoots, by controlling when, and in what amount error integration happens when
the power amplifier becomes saturated (as indicated by the “Power amplifier clip
status”). It is generally recommended that you consult Pangolin about your application
before adjusting this.
Enabling and Disabling the X-axis or Y-axis servo
When Servo Gain, Low Frequency Damping, High Frequency Damping, Error Integral
and Position Proportional gains are all set to zero, the servo driver for that axis is
disabled. This could be handy for running the Mach-DSP as a single-axis servo driver.
When a single axis is disabled, the processor does not spend much time doing
calculations for the disabled axis.
Up to 200kHz sample rate is possible when both the X- and Y-axis are enabled and
relatively few servo parameters are used. Up to 300kHz sample rate is possible when
only a single axis is enabled and when relatively few servo parameters are used.
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