ground. The violet wire (bell) can be connected to the module input programmed as B
The black wire available in the CZ-EMM3 and CZ-EMM4 readers is not used and should not
be connected to any terminal of the module.
3.4 Connecting activators and sensors of the controlled door
The device which is to activate the door should be connected to the suitable terminals of the
relay output. The sensor monitoring the door status should be connected to one of the
module inputs (by default, the input 1 is programmed as the Door status control, NO type, but
it is possible to select any of the five inputs and program it accordingly).
3.5 Sluice
The sluice consists of 2 doors and requires the use of 2 door controller modules (see
Fig. 16). There can only be 1 door open in the sluice at a time.
Fig. 16. An example of connecting two modules in sluice configuration.