Important notes
... on these instructions for use
Please read these instructions for use prior to initial use.
These instructions for use form part of the device and must be
available to the user at all times. Excerpts are not permitted.
Please carefully read the notes on proper use (page 3), the
Safety notes (page 5) and the Contra-indications (page 14).
... on the specific function
The SaneoSPORT is a home treatment device for the
stimulation of various kinds of nerve fibres.
1. Motor nerves, in order to stimulate muscles to contract or
relax. This is generally described as electrical muscle
stimulation. Benefits depend on the stimulation parameters.
According to program parametres (impulses per second, pulse
duration, pause time etc.) the SaneoSPORT serves for warming
up muscles, muscle rehabilitation, blood circulation promotion
or for solving muscle tensions. By appealing the different
muscle fiber kinds (slow, intermediate and quick fibers) by
means of various contraction speeds the SaneoSPORT helps to
train the different kinds of muscle work. For example a cross-
country skier has predominantly slow fibers while with the
sprinter the quick fibers prevail.
2. Certain sensitive nerve fibres, in order to achieve a pain-
relieving effect.
According to kind of current the pain transference to the brain is
blocked or the sensation of pain is decreased by an increased
endorphin production.