The Source Ethernet Port connects to the cameras. The Storage Ethernet Port connects to
NAS devices.
In relation to Monitor Ethernet Port, you can set the connection port number and http port. The
http port is used to connect to the product via Web Viewer. If you changed the default value
(80) for HTTP Port, then you must append "(your port number)" to the product's address when
connecting to your product with Web Viewer. For example, if your IP address is
and HTTP Port is 8080 then is the product access address for Web
Viewer. The connection port is used to connect your computer to the product after the http
connection is established.
You can activate or disable ATC in the ATC Mode menu. ATC automatically adjusts the video
quality depending on the network's connection status.
Monitor Ethernet Port supports DDNS. By registering your product with a DDNS server, you
can connect to the Monitor Ethernet Port from outside by using the DDNS server ID, instead of
the product's IP address. If you are using either PPPoE or DHCP to connect to the Monitor
Ethernet Port, you'll be assigned a n`ew IP address each time you connect the product to the
network. DDNS is especially useful in these circumstances.
Using DDNS
1. Register as a member on iPOLiS home page (www.samsungipolis.com).
2. Log in, and register your NVR with the product registration menu in MY
IPOLIS. (Be sure to check for duplicate domains when you register your
domain.) You can check if your product has been registered normally on the
Product List.
3. Next set DDNS Use to "Enable,” enter "www.samsungipolis.com" in Server
Domain (without the quotation marks), and finally type in the ID and password
you registered with at the iPOLiS home page.
4. You can view the connection status for your registered product(s) on iPOLiS
Product List. ("ON" means that the product is connected to DDNS.)
5. Click Connect to Product on the Product List to connect to your product.
6. You also can enter http://www.samsungipolis.com/ID in your Internet
browser's address bar to connect to your product. ("ID" is the domain you
chose when you registered your product.)