Thank you for choosing a Samsung Network Video Recorder (Disk Player) product.
This instruction manual provides detailed information and instructions for the NVR network
DVR products. Please read this manual and any supplementary document(s) thoroughly
before attempting to install and/or operate the product.
The contents of this manual, and the software and hardware explained herein, are protected by
copyright law. All copy, reprint and translation to other languages of a part of or all of the
contents of this instruction manual without permission of Samsung Techwin Co., Ltd. are
expressly prohibited except for fair use within the scope of copyright law.
The specifications of the product may change without prior notice for product improvement.
Product Warranty and Limited Liability
The manufacturer of this product is not responsible for the sale of the product, nor does the
manufacturer delegate such responsibility to a third party. The product warranty does not
extend to any accident, neglect, alteration, or misuse of the product. Furthermore, this
warranty does not cover any components or parts that are not supplied by the manufacturer of
this product.
The product warranty period is for three years from the purchase date. However, the warranty
does not cover any of the following problems, and a nominal service fee will be charged if:
Product has been improperly used or handled by user.
Product has been disassembled and/or altered by user.
Product has been damaged by connecting a power supply with improper specifications.
Product has been damaged due to an "Act of God" (fire, flood, tsunami, natural disaster,
To replace expendable components: HDD, Fan, etc.
(The warranty for the HDD and Fan is valid for one year from the purchase date.)
This warranty covers only the product supplied with the warranty.
After the warranty period (three years) has expired, a service fee will be charged for any
inspection and/or repair for the product. During the warranty period, a service fee will be
charged for repair and/or inspection for the product for any problems that are not covered by
the warranty.