4.6.6. Network Setup
You can configure network settings on this screen.
You can use either PPPoE, Static IP, or DHCP as a connection method for the network ports
on the rear panel. If you are not sure which method to use, please ask your network
administrator for assistance.
If the product is connected to a PPPoE-type xDSL line, choose PPPoE as the connection
method, and enter the access ID and password. Choose the Static IP connection method if you
wish to use a static IP, and enter the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway to use. Choose
DHCP if a DHCP server is connected to the network you want to connect to; the DHCP server
will automatically assign an IP address for you.
If you are using PPPoE or DHCP, you will find the IP address currently
assigned to your product in Assigned IP; you cannot set Assigned IP yourself.
Changing the network connection method from PPPoE to DHCP or Static IP
automatically reboots the system.
The 3 rear network ports (Refer to "2.2. Back Panel" and "3.1.2. Configuring the Network") are
the Monitor Ethernet Port, Source Ethernet Port, and Storage Ethernet Port. The Monitor
Ethernet Port connects the monitoring computer to the NVR via the web or the setup program.