2 7
4-2-2 Initiating a Voice Request
To make a voice request, press the V.REQUEST key when sending or receiving. The light above the key
lights to confirm your request. But your request will not go through until the SF 2200 finishes sending or
receiving the current document.
When the current send or receive operation is finished, the remote operator receives your request. (If
the remote operator does not answer your voice request within 15 seconds of receiving it, the SF
2200automatically hangs up.)
When the remote operator responds, you hear a warbling tone, and the V.REQUEST light goes off. Pick
up the handset and begin your conversation.
4-2-3 To Place a Line on Hold
Press the HOOK/HOLD key to place a line on hold during a voice communication. The words HOLD
LINE will appears in the Window. To take the line off hole, press HOOK/HOLD again.
4-3 Outgoing Messages
4-3-1 Recording an Outgoing Message
You can record an outgoing message (OGM) to callers when your SF 2200 is unattended.
If your machine answers a call from a voice caller or the operator of a manual fax machine, the message
instructs the caller to press START or enter a poll code.
For more on how OGM works with receive modes, see pages 13 and 14.
To record an OGM:
1. Pick up the handset.
2. Press FUNCTION, then press 7.
3. Follow the steps at right.
Note: If you unplug your SF 2200, or if there is a power failure, your OGM will be erased. Restore power
to your SF 2200 and record a new OGM.
“ You have reached the fax machine of (company). Please press your START key to send
a fax, or call me at a another time to speak with me.”