2 6
If you want your fax unit to cut between pages received,
press YES. If you press NO, faxes will print in a
continuous sheet.
Use the Key Pad to enter the number of minutes (0 to 7)
to wait before redialing a number that was busy on the last
try. When you’re finished. press YES.
Use the Key Pad to enter the number of times (0 to7) to
redial a number before giving up. If you enter 0, your
SF2200 will not redial at all.
When you’re finished, press YES.
Use the Key Pad to enter the number of rings your
SF2200 should wait before answering the call. if you enter
0, the SF 2200 will answer calls on the first ring. When
you’re finished, press YES.
Window Message
Your Response
INTERVAL (0-7) > 1
TRIES (0-7)>4
RINGS (0-7)>2
( Option entry continued from previous page)
Note : If you will be away from the fax machine for an extended period of time, you might consider
changing your paper cutting option from YES to NO. This will print your fax messages in a
continuous sheet, making it more convenient to file them in the order you receive them.
Congratulations !
You’re set the optional features of your SF 2200. To review your settings, print the Options List (see
page 33). To change any setting, simply repeat this procedure.
4-2 Voice Requests
Your SF 2200 allows you to use the handset to talk to the operator of your faxing partner. You can
respond to voice requests made by the other operator , or you can initiate a voice request yourself.
4-2-1 Responding to a Voice Request
If you hear a warbling tone, the remote operator wants to talk to you. Simply pick up the handset and
say “ Hello.”
If you do not respond to the voice request, your SF 2200 prints a Call Back Message (page 40), which
shows the time and date the voice request was made and the telephone number of the remote unit.